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6 Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies

To learn well, students need to be interested in what they are doing. But since they don’t perceive school as relevant to what those who are and what environment they live in, numerous students are disengaged with or turned off by learning. That is when culturally sensitive teaching methods are useful. These are a component of a strategy that makes education more relevant by drawing on the experiences and competencies of a varied student population. Research demonstrates that this strategy works best when new knowledge is connected to what students already know. Education experts created the idea of culturally sensitive teaching. To increase academic achievement, it blends characteristics and information from each student’s cultural background into instructional tactics and curriculum. A learning environment that emphasizes pupils’ talents rather than their weaknesses is a crucial component. To learn new material and ideas, students are encouraged to apply familiar speaking, starting to think, remember, and analyze strategies.

You could indeed help students establish links between their lives outside of school and their school lives, which will increase their participation and enhance consequences, by creating a supportive learning environment, providing pertinent content, as well as using culturally sensitive instructional practices in your teaching methods.

In what ways does culturally responsive teaching differ from other teaching methods?

  1. A strong conviction that all pupils can learn new things: Every student should be the subject of high expectations from teachers who also have favorable attitudes toward them.
  2. A broad range of subject matter: According to education expert Rudine Sims Bishop, reading in the English language arts curriculum should offer “reflective surfaces and windows” for all students. In other words, children should be given access to protagonists and settings that reflect their neighborhoods. To understand other people’s worlds, students should read books or reference resources in other fields.
  3. Dynamic teaching: Because there are many different ways that students might learn, teaching methods should be flexible and varied. Activities that require learners to share, debate, dispute, and think both collectively and individually should be given to them through whole-group instruction, partnered activities, and small community settings. There should be a wide range of opportunities for students to participate and show that they understand the material.
  4. Community participation: To build cultural bridges between the greater community and the school community, parents, caregivers, grandparents, and community members should be asked to share their experiences, provide historical summaries of their communities, offer support, and share their tales.

Bottom Line

Many administrations struggle to put ethnically and spiritually sensitive strategies into effect; they work to support teachers in developing closer bonds with their pupils and to execute disciplinary measures in a fashion that does not specifically target kids of color. Additionally, districts struggle to foster a learning climate that recognizes and responds to cross-functional and cross-cultural diversity. Recognizing and utilizing the skills and abilities that each student brings to the classrooms, as well as making sure that all students are involved in meaningful experiences of learning from curricula throughout evaluation, are all components of multicultural education practices. Having a comprehension of people from various backgrounds also means being taught to lessen the consequences of whatever trauma they may experience daily.


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